Saturday, March 12, 2011

openQRM Cloud management tools Installation

Requested for openQRM

1) Install Mysql with Blank Password
2) Configure Bridge
3) Install all KVM package and Start services
4) Download openQRM

5)How to build and install openQRM
To build please run :
-> this automatically checks the requirements for the compilation
-> it builds the base server and plugins
-> it will download and compile some third-party components
-> it will cache downloads and compile results
-> build-location can be configured in ../src/etc/openqrm-server.conf
6)To install run :
make && make install
-> this installs openQRM-ng
-> install-location can be configured in ../src/etc/openqrm-server.conf
7)To start run :
make start
-> this basically just runs "/etc/init.d/openqrm start"
-> installation phase is not needed any more and got eliminated
-> initialization happens automatically on first-start
-> initialization automatically checks for runtime-requirements
8)To check the install requirements run :
make check
-> this checks the requirements for the compilation
-> if this checks fails it will display the exact missing package requirement
   Then just install the listed package via apt-get/yum/.. and try again.
9)To package (rpm/deb) run :
make package
-> this automatically build .deb or .rpm packages
-> package location can be configured in ../src/etc/openqrm-server.conf
10)To reinstall e.g. after making changes to the sources run :
make reinstall
-> this runs stop, uninstall, clean, all, install, start
Please notice that all make-targets (especially "install") should be executed as root.
After compiling and installing openQRM-ng it automatically
initialises itself during first-start according the configuration
parameters set in the main (and single) configuration file BASEDIR/openqrm/etc/openqrm-server.conf

The openQRM-server is now ready for login at : http://[ip-of-the-openQRM-server]/openqrm

Default username and password after installation are :
User : openqrm
Password : openqrm

-> please change the default password immediately to prevent unauthorized access.

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